Readings & Events
in 2023
Join the community and the literary conversations of art & poetry.

Current Readings and Events Schedule
June 30th & July 1st
Making Moves COLab Event, PNC Arts Annex, Dayton, Ohio
Artistic Collaborators join forces with Dayton Dance Initiative choreographers to create brand new multi-disciplinary works for "Making Moves: The CoLAB." Premiering June 30th & July 1st at the PNC Arts Annex
April 15th 2pm
Wright Library, Oakwood Ohio
Celebrate National Poetry Month with award-winning Ohio poets Pauletta Hansel and Erica Manto Paulson, reading from recent works. An Open mic follows. A book signing with featured poets concludes the event.
August 3rd
Ohio State Fairgrounds
The Ohio State Fair Fine Arts Program will partner with OPA and the Ohio Arts Council again to coordinate the Ohio Poetry Showcase at the Ohio State Fair in 2023
March 11th, 7pm
April 27th 7pm
Sheila-Na-Gig Spring Poetry Reading
A reading by contributors to the Spring Edition of Sheila Na Gig
Call & Response: An Ekphrastic Poetry Event in Columbus, Ohio
Call & Response: Intersections of Art & Poetry event held at Pennington Custom Art Service